
Help us help you find and thrive in your best job or career by starting with some short assessments that will take just a few minutes to complete but will reveal essential information that will help you find and keep the job you were meant for.

The free assessments come with a FREE one-on-one follow-up session that will help you plan your best course of action, based on your individual abilities, interests, and economic needs.

Take one of the five assessments below or for best results take them all!

(You’ll also find an “Interest Profiler” from the US Department of Labor that will help you match your interests to possible ideal career positions.)

happy ND people at work

Individual Work Preferences Assessment (IWPA)

  • What work environment will work best with your neurodivergence?

  • What kinds of accommodations would make a job work best for you?

  • What kind of company and what kind of role will make you successful at work?

    Take the short Work Preference Assessment and find out!

entrepreneur assessment tool

The Entrepreneur Assessment

Have you ever considered starting your own business and being your own boss?

While it’s not for everyone, many ND individuals thrive as entrepreneurs. Take this entrepreneurial potential assessment and find out if it might be right for you!

burnout assesment tool graphic

The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)

Are you burnt out?

Most neurodivergent people hit burnout from time to time. But did you know that burnout is both avoidable and treatable?

Are you at risk of burning out? What would help? This brief assessment can help pinpoint what you can do to identify, manage, and recover from workplace-related burnout.

Auditory Processing Disorder assssment illustration

Auditory Processing Disorder Assessment

Do you struggle with Auditory Processing Disorder? There are treatments that can help!

If you suspect APD, this assessment will help to diagnose or rule out auditory processing disorder. After completing the assessment, we can suggest treatment options that fit your profile.

sensory sensitivity assesment tool image

Sensory Summary Assessment

Know the score on your sensory sensitivity!

This brief assessment can help pinpoint what you can do to self-accommodate and communicate your sensory triggers.

Interest Profiler

The O*NET My Next Move tool is a great resource for those looking for a user-friendly way to explore career options based on their interests.

Developed by the US Department of Labor, this interactive tool offers over 900 career options to discover. Start exploring your career possibilities today with the O*NET My Next Move tool!

Please keep in mind that ND Works will NOT see your answers or scores to the O*NET interest inventory unless you share them with us by using the share button in O*NET.