Kate Lynn, CEO ND Works

Kate Lynn

ND Works founder and CEO Kate Lynn has spent the past thirty years helping people with ND work with their unique characteristics to develop rich, rewarding lives. She founded ND Works in 2023 in order to support adults with ND in finding successful career paths that fit their interests, education, and capabilities.

Kate’s interest in serving the ND community stems from her earlier career experience when she worked as a healthcare and technology recruiter, and from the successful welfare to work program she ran in Cleveland way back in the 1990s. Plus she is the proud parent of a neurodivergent daughter.

When it became clear that her daughter’s hearing issues required specialized care not available anywhere, she founded an audiology practice to meet the unique needs of neurodivergent people with auditory processing disorders and other auditory anomalies. The practice grew and remains one of only a few audiology practices that specialize in meeting the needs of the neurodivergent community.

Similarly, when Kate discovered that 86% of university-educated ND adults were unemployed, she took her considerable skills as a business owner, consultant, employer, coach, and parent and put them to work.

Kate firmly believes that everyone can find success in the right role and in the right environment.  While all ND people can benefit from her expertise, Kate is especially passionate about working with clients who, like her, received a late life diagnosis and who have spent years struggling to find where they fit in.

While she  works with clients from diverse backgrounds and employment histories, Kate has particular expertise in helping people find non-traditional and remote employment. 

Kate’s ability to assess social and skill barriers neurodivergent individuals and help them identify a clear, sustainable career path is her super power.  Why not put it to work for you?

ND Works project manager Cheri Sicard

Cheri Sicard
Project Manager

Cheri wears many hats at ND Works, including copywriting, graphic design, website design, partner relations, and much more. Beyond that, ND Works runs better because Cheri is our behind-the-scenes manager, keeping us focused and on schedule.

A lifelong entrepreneur with a diverse background, Cheri is the best-selling author of 8 books, the creator of numerous online courses and websites, and a freelance writer with thousands of articles and features to her credit.  Before becoming a writer and internet entrepreneur Cheri had a successful entertainment career that allowed her to travel the world.