Welcome to the ND Works and the blog!

Welcome to ND Works and our new blog.  Whether you are job hunting, business building, planning for the future, or just want to find out what career resources are available for neurodivergent people, you’re in the right place.   We’ll share job hunting and business tips, the latest research and news about work and neurodivergnce, job and business hacks and helpful commentary. Check back often for regular news and information of interest whether you are a neurodivergent individual, parent, one of our many allies.

In the meantime, have you taken any of our assessments?  If not, what are you waiting for?  It’s the first step in the journey towards a rewarding job or business and financial independence. 

The assessments are free, take only a few minutes to complete, and will give you valuable insight into the right job roles for you.  The assessments come with a free follow-up session that can put you firmly on the road to job success and financial freedom.  If all that is not enough, they are fun to take and will make you think about career choices in a new way!

ND Works also has a vibrant Facebook community where you can interact with 1000s of other ND folks also seeking job, business, and career success. The group will definitely show you that you are not alone.  Find the Facebook group here.

Lastly, if you are ready to put action behind your thoughts, one of our Fast Track programs will produce OUTRAGEOUS results in just a single afternoon. Check out our results-oriented Fast Track programs here.

Thanks for reading and we will be talking more soon.  You belong here!!!


Why we LOVE side hustles!